“Pantone Pairings Project” è un progetto fantastico di David Schwen direttore creativo, illustratore e disegnatore che vive a Minneapolis. David ha postato via Instagram @dschwen una serie di “chip pantone” fatti a mano utilizzando gli alimenti di tutti i giorni. Da li amore a prima vista per tutti gli appassionati di cultura digitale, colore, cibo e fotografia.
L’autore commenta:
“As a designer, you’re constantly picking color chips and pairing them up with one another. A while back I had an idea of making Pantone chips out of real household objects—sponges, cardboard, and the like. But while I was finishing up a poster design, I had taped two Pantone chips together to see how they looked next to one another. Instantly I thought of how people pair food together, and that was that. Pantone pairings.”
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